martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011

using shell scripting with mysql
echo "select * from users" |mysql  myride --skip-column-names|awk {'print $1'}

Creating a HashBang wrapper

Some time ago I needed an executable that was able to call SQL sentences with mysql or sqlite. I did a little research to understand how Shebang works, I found out that was very easy to write your custom wrappers

wrapper :: /bin/bmysql
export database=$1
#echo "Database:: $1| SQL: $2"
#echo $1 holds the file where sql data is stored

export sql_data=`cat $2|grep -v \"#!\"`
#echo "DEBUG:: $sql_data "
echo $sql_data|mysql $1
echo $?

and the script file /home/test/demo.sql

#!/bin/bmysql drupal
show databases;
Have fun with your own wrappers!!!