jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009

Capturing tcp traffic with tcpdump

With the following recipe you will be able to snif the traffic between a client and a web server. Very helpful if you are in the dark without any clue of whats going on, and you need low level dump of the protocol:
tcpdump -vvv -n -s 65535 -A -p -w tcpdump.ok tcp src port 80

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009

What you still haven't found on a ldap server

Sometimes you need to perform a ldap search from the unix console, for that hard times i use the folling recipe (using ldapsearch from openldap) :

BASEDN = is the base for the search.
HOSTNAME = is the ldap server
PORT= is the ldap server port
FULLDNTOBIND = it's the dn of the user that you want to use to login to the ldap server-
cn=rene the frog, ou=muppets,o=jim hensons,c=us

QUERY = the parameters for the query. For further information please visit this link which contains the definition for the ldap filters

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

OpenSSL symmetric cyphers

Another brick on the wall.
I've cover several times how to use openssl. Nowadays, it's one of my favorite tools because it has take me out of the hole so much times, that i can't count them all.
But let's get on it and stop talking about it.

[XCV@gambit ~]$ echo "holamundo"|openssl enc -d -base64 -des -A
enter des-cbc decryption password:fulano123

[XCV@gambit ~]$ echo "U2FsdGVkX18431qpTMhtluUChBpqVDQ8ceUo5+XSXjY="|openssl enc -d -base64 -des -A
enter des-cbc decryption password:fulano123

that's it...

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009

Fixing "terminal too wide" error

Morning dudes!!!
I've been out of the scene for a while, mainly because of the summer, but also because I've been very busy in the first part of the Autum. Happily I am back with this short recipe.

More and more wide screens are being used at workstations in corporate environments and vi isn't aware of this. With this little command we will fix the "terminal too wide error" caused by the extra amount of columns in this type of screens.
stty columns 120